
From big and scared to small and brave - evolution has moved at lightning speed on a small island in the Koster Sea on the...
Text: Cecilia Klintö/TT
Photo: David Carmelet, Bo Johannesson, Daria Shipilina
Scientists from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have been placing recording devices in the deep Pacific Ocean since 2005. They have collected...
Text: Lena Scherman
Thousands of biofilter plants have been installed in cities around the world to treat surface water. Now Swedish researchers see a risk that the technology...
Text: Gustav Sjöholm/TT
Fish act as a kind of guide, finding the prey and ‘pointing out’ the location to the octopus, which can use its flexible arms to...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Editing: Ronja Arnold-Larsen
UW photo: Dr Eduardo Sampaio Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
We know extremely little about what the seabed looks like. Studying and mapping them is difficult, sometimes impossible and certainly expensive. But a researcher in...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Editin: Ronja Arnold-larsen
Photo: Nathan Angelakis, Roger Kirkwood
Sometimes we remember events completely wrong when our brain creates so-called false memories. A study shows that false memories also occur in some octopuses....
Text: Roland Johansson/TT
Photo: Stephan Junek/TT
Every year we're seeing more and more turtle stranding partially because of an increase in awareness but also because there are more extreme weather events,...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photo/editing: Jason Boswell
Foto: Two Oceans Aquarium: mass stranding, Devin Trull / Two Oceans Aquarium
Marine Biologist, Dr Tessa Hempson and film-maker, Grant Brokensha, were part of a recent Manta Ray tagging expedition off the South African coast. Mantas have...
Filmed and directed by: Grant Brokensha
Editing: Ruuan Botha
Just as all life on land, life in the sea depends on oxygen. But for the oxygen to penetrate to the depths, the gas must...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Stock Image
When we talk about climate change, it is usually about warming the atmosphere and changing weather systems, but the oceans are also affected and perhaps...
Text: Lena Scherman
Fish behavior, toxic algae, and the role of the sea in climate. These are some of the topics that marine research can address. Diverse subjects,...
Text: Lina mattsson
Foto: Hans Berggren, Kimmo Hagman, Johan Candert, Simon Stanford
Underwater noise from the planned large wind turbines risks affecting both wildlife and Sweden's defense capabilities. Now researchers will find out how such wind farms...
Text: Hanna Odelfors/TT
Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT, FOI/Press
The unmanned underwater vehicle Ran has disappeared under a glacier in Antarctica. "It's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, but without...
Text: Paulina Sörlin/TT
Photo: Anna Wåhlin/Göteborgs Universitet
They are extraordinary biodiversity hotspots. They absorb large amounts of CO2 and release oxygen. They fix nitrogen and detoxify the water. They are nurseries for...
Reportage: Ismaele Tortella/Delphin Ruché
Photo: Ismaele Tortella
The population of seahorses in Ria Formosa in southern Portugal was probably the largest in the world. But in the mid-2010s, it collapsed, and 95%...
Reportage: Daniel Hager
South Africa has an incredibly rich diversity of sharks, representing nearly a quarter of all known species, some found nowhere else on the planet....
Reportage: Jason Boswell
BRUV-Footage: Cape RADD
iSimangaliso Wetland Park in South Africa is home to one of the world's most pristine reef systems, home to hundreds of different species from rare...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
UW-photography: Jason Boswell, Grant Brokensha
If you are surrounded by predators, it is dangerous to sleep, but the elephant seals have found their own fascinating solution. They dive down towards...
Text: Cecilia Klintö/TT
Foto: John Burgess/AP/TT, Eric Risberg/AP/TT, Jessica Kendall-Bar/University of California, Santa Cruz/TT
Grafik: Anna-Lena Lindqvist/TT
Ida Beitnes is a Associate Professor at the NMBU. Ida has earlier studied stress as an important contributor to the development of cardiac disease in...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
Edit by: Daniel Hager
Marco Vindas is an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He conducts research on the neural control of behavior and physiology in...
reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
Editing: Daniel Hager
Researchers in the United States have developed a transmitter that can reveal where and when sharks give birth to their offspring, according to Vetenskapsradion....
Text: TT Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Keith A. Ellenbogen/AP/TT
Sweden's only whale is not easy to see. In the Baltic Sea it is acutely threatened, but outside Kullaberg there is a small colony. There,...
It’s now been scientifically proven. If you stop fishing, the number of fish increases! A new report from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Graphics: Daniel Hager
Photo: Kimmo Hagman
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