Understanding Marine Research Fish behavior, toxic algae, and the role of the sea in climate. These are some of the topics that marine research can address. Diverse subjects,... Text: Lina mattsson Foto: Hans Berggren, Kimmo Hagman, Johan Candert, Simon Stanford Research oceanoceanographymarine researchocean observatoriesSylvia EarleClimate changeGliders
1:17 Ocean Devotion: Mie Winding Mie's research focuses on the evolutionary and behavioral ecology of marine zooplankton. Despite their microscopic size and remote habitat, Mie aims to enhance our understanding... Reportage: Simon Stanford Photo: Simon Stanford, Göran Ehlmé Editing: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos Other ocean devotionmie windingzooplanktonmarine researchocean ecosystemplankton ecologistClimate change