Ocean Literacy - to Understand the Ocean
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the outlaw ocean project
the outlaw ocean project
The Chinese fishing fleet is a great power on the sea. Fishing far out to sea where no country's laws reach, they are catching more fish than any other nation right now. And it comes at a terrible human cost...
The Chinese fishing fleet is a great power on the sea. Fishing far out to sea where no country's laws reach, they are catching more fish than any other nation right now. And it comes at a terrible human cost...
ocean devotion
ocean devotion
Many of us love the sea, the beach, the water and swimming in the waves, but there are those who care a little more than the rest of us. Those who, with commitment and passion...
Many of us love the sea, the beach, the water and swimming in the waves, but there are those who care a little more than the rest of us. Those who, with commitment and passion...
the real rulers of the sea
the real rulers of the sea
The ocean's resources belong to all citizens. We want healthy seas, full of fish and shellfish. So how could the EU's seas be fished to the brink of ecological collapse? The overfishing is not an accident...
The ocean's resources belong to all citizens. We want healthy seas, full of fish and shellfish. So how could the EU's seas be fished to the brink of ecological collapse? The overfishing is not an accident...
seal hunting
seal hunting
In an overfished sea, the seals have begun to move towards the coasts to look for food. Here they encroach on people's territory. From being nearly extirpated in the early 1980s...
In an overfished sea, the seals have begun to move towards the coasts to look for food. Here they encroach on people's territory. From being nearly extirpated in the early 1980s...
warmer sea
warmer sea
The sea gets warmer - the species die. It's not just coral reefs and fish that are threatened as the oceans warm - it's all life. Not since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs...
The sea gets warmer - the species die. It's not just coral reefs and fish that are threatened as the oceans warm - it's all life. Not since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs...
Sharks are found in all oceans on the globe and belong to one of the oldest animals. As a species, it has been traced back 420 million years... Under the theme: Sharks, we have collected all the reports we made where sharks are included.
Sharks are found in all oceans on the globe and belong to one of the oldest animals. As a species, it has been traced back 420 million years... Under the theme: Sharks, we have collected all the reports we made where sharks are included.