West coast

On Sweden's west coast lies the Western Sea with Sweden's saltiest water and the largest marine biodiversity. The Western Sea includes both Kattegat, Skagerrak, and...
Text: Lina Mattsson
Foto: Göran Ehlmé, Tobias Dahlin, Micke Tilja
Researchers have now established that the harbor seals in the Kosterhavet area are becoming increasingly scarce. Last year, only half of the females gave birth...
Text: Lina Mattsson
Photo: Daire Carroll/Göteborgs Universitet, Alexandre Gobatti/DSR
In 2023, relatively many lobsters were caught in the Swedish and Norwegian waters, but this was not because the number of lobsters has increased, on...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Christopher Andersen
When two large wind farms were planned in the sea on the Swedish west coast, the shrimp fishermen became worried that they would no longer...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Editing: Niklas Berglund
Indeed, we do have sharks in Sweden. Perhaps up to 17 different species! Some are, of course, very rare visitors to Swedish waters, while others...
Reportage: Daniel Hager
Photography: Johan Candert
UW-Photography: Göran Ehlmé, Tobias Dahlin
On the rocks in Bohuslän live small, discreet shells with special properties. Snail-collecting scientists have now received clues about what is crucial for species' survival....
Text: Petra Hedbom/TT
Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall
He has been seen in several places along the Swedish coast in recent days, but suddenly the alleged spy whale Hvaldimir appeard in the middle...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Editing: Apollonia Meleouni
Photo: Tobias Dahlin
The beluga whale that caused a stir in Hunnebostrand could be Hvaldimir – a Russian "spy whale" that escaped from a mission, reports P4 Väst....
Text: Alice Nordevik/TT
Photo: Darryl Dyck/AP/TT
Planting new eelgrass in places where it had disappeared can do the trick for wildlife. About 80 percent of the invertebrates have returned in a...
Text: Petra Hedbom TT
Photo: Eduardo Infantes/Göteborgs universitet/TT
80 years ago, the submarine Ulven sank in Gothenburg's archipelago. Hitler's mine meant the death of 33 Swedish sailors. Now the victims are being honored...
Text: TT/nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Pressens Bild/TT Arcive picture
The Japanese Giant Oyster is larger than our domestic variety, and its edges are so sharp that medical services on the west coast have issued...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Foto: Tobias Dahlin, Kimmo Hagman
Mattias Sköld is a researcher at SLU Aqua in Lysekil. He has been involved in filming the seabed in marine protected areas, including in Bratten,...
In the laboratory's aquariums, lush corals glow ghostly white in the dark. But out in the sea, below the surface, there is almost only gravel...
Graphics: Anna-Lena Lindqvist/TT
The film "What have we done?" which shows man's ruthlessness towards our oceans was praised and named "Honorable mention" in the international competition DPG/Wetpixel Masters...
A vessel fishing in the Skagerrak caught a very unusual catch on Monday. The fishermen had caught a shark that none of them recognized. It...
Text: TT Nyhetsbyrå
Six experienced underwater photographers join forces and film and photograph the unique underwater world. You visit the mythical Persgrunden and several places around Koster. Several...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Robert Westerberg, Johan Candert
UV Photo: Göran Ehlmé, Kimmo Hagman, Johan Candert
Editor: Kajsa Grandell
"I saw my first ray in Sweden six months ago, but then I unfortunately didn't have a camera with me. But this time I was...
UV Photo: Göran Ehlmé
The prosecutor leading the investigation into the shark slaughter in Lysekil's harbor now hopes to find the culprits. Paint residue on the sharks can lead...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Tobias Dahlin
In January, a dead sea turtle washed up off Smögen - and turned out to be a species not seen in Sweden since the 19th...
Text: TT
Photo: Alessandro Trovati/AP/TT, SVA
After the discovery that around 70 protected porpoises were probably dumped from a fishing boat in the harbor of Lysekil, the coast guard has now...
Reportage: Lena Scherman
Photo: Kristoffer Klarén
UV Photo: Tobias Dahlin
Editor: Apollonia Meleouni, Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Deep Sea Reporters/Tobias Dahlin's minute-long film footage of the shark massacre in Lysekil harbour basin has provoked strong reactions. Hundreds of thousands of people in...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Tobias Dahlin
On the bottom of Lysekil Harbour on Sweden’s west coast lie around 60 dead and dying Spiny Dogfish and Rays. These animals are on the...
Text: Simon Stanford
Underwater Photography: Tobias Dahlin
Sheltered animals face a painful death. At the bottom of Lysekil harbour there are about 60 dogfish and several rays. Dogfish, Klorocka and Knagrocka are...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Tobias Dahlin
Walruses usually swim in the Arctic, but now a young walrus lies on a pier in Smögen and basks in the sun...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Tommie Rekstad
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
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