The west coast of Sweden On Sweden's west coast lies the Western Sea with Sweden's saltiest water and the largest marine biodiversity. The Western Sea includes both Kattegat, Skagerrak, and... Text: Lina Mattsson Foto: Göran Ehlmé, Tobias Dahlin, Micke Tilja West coast jelly fishoverfishingbioluminescent algeaKoster sealobstereutrophicationKattegatÖresundEelgrassNatura 2000bottom trawlingskagerrakthe north sea
2:44 Devastating bottom trawling in marine protected areas SLU Aqua in Lysekil has for several years filmed bottoms in three different marine protection areas. Bratten is a Natura 2000 area far out to... REPORTAGE: LENA SCHERMAN PHOTO: LEIF EIRANSSON UW PHOTO: SLU AQUA LYSEKIL GRAPHICS: DANIEL HAGER Other SeabedLysekilNatura 2000Marine protected areasfishingbottentrålningbottom trawlingswedish coastbrattenSLU Aqua
Stone faces to benefit biodiversity "We wanted to create an exhibition where restoration and art can go hand in hand", says Régine Resbeut Montanella... Text: Fanny Jönsson Photo: Jason deCaire Taylor International FranceNatura 2000Underwater Museum