gothenburg university

From big and scared to small and brave - evolution has moved at lightning speed on a small island in the Koster Sea on the...
Text: Cecilia Klintö/TT
Photo: David Carmelet, Bo Johannesson, Daria Shipilina
Researchers have now established that the harbor seals in the Kosterhavet area are becoming increasingly scarce. Last year, only half of the females gave birth...
Text: Lina Mattsson
Photo: Daire Carroll/Göteborgs Universitet, Alexandre Gobatti/DSR
The unmanned underwater vehicle Ran has disappeared under a glacier in Antarctica. "It's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, but without...
Text: Paulina Sörlin/TT
Photo: Anna Wåhlin/Göteborgs Universitet
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