
With a warmer climate, the sea ice is melting and more species are moving to northern latitudes. For killer whales, the melting sea ice provides...
Text/reportage: Linnett Andersen
Photo: Tobias Dahlin, Johan Candert, Simon Stanford, Göran Ehlmé, Lars Öjvind Knutsen, Ismaele Tortella
As the ice disappears from the Arctic, new shipping routes have opened up. This poses a risk to the whales that swim the same routes,...
Text: Gustav Sjöholm/TT
Graphics: Anders Humlebo/TT
An unexplained hum puzzled seismologists around the world - who joined forces to solve the mystery. Climate change was the triggering factor, according to the...
Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT
Photo: Søren Rysgaard/Danish military, Pontus Lundahl/TT
When the polar bears are forced to spend more time on land than on the ice, the risk of them starving to death increases, a...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Simon Stanford/Deep Sea Reporter
The narwhal is a relatively small arctic toothed whale (4 - 5 meters). It is shy and typically lives in the drift ice around the...
Reportage: Lars Öivind Knutsen 
Photography: Lars Öivind Knutsen, Roberto Lo Monaco, Frederik Wolff Teglhus, Göran Ehlmé
The sea ice in the Arctic will melt much faster than previously thought because today's climate models underestimate the rate, according to new research....
Text: Hanna Odelfors/TT/Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: David Goldman/AP/TT
Graphics: Anna-Lena Lindqvist/TT
Walruses usually swim in the Arctic, but now a young walrus lies on a pier in Smögen and basks in the sun...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Tommie Rekstad
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
She has researched life under the Arctic's last intact ice – a place where no one has done research before. "We will map an unknown...
Text: Fanny Jönsson
Photo: Peter Sylvander, Kimberly Bird
Underwater photography in Northern Norway heads below the surface to film killer whales and humpback whales eating herring. They also dive at night and meet...
Reportage: Johan Candert
Photo: Simon Stanford
UV-Photo: Johan Candert, Göran Ehlmé, Tobias Dahlin
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
During an expedition in northeastern Greenland, we met arctic researcher Mie Winding. She studies the microscopic creatures that are necessary for all life in the...
Reportage: Simon Stanford
Photo: Simon Stanford, Göran Ehlmé, Lars-Öivind Knutsen
Editor: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
About 30 percent of the world's undiscovered gas resources and 13 percent of the world's undiscovered oil resources are estimated to be north of the...
Text: Fanny Jönsson
Photo: PAME/GettyImages
The expedition to Greenland has been attacked by a polar bear. It broke in through a window and bit researcher Lars-Öivind Knutsen in the arm...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Simon Stanford
Is there life under the last ice of the Arctic? Researcher Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm hopes for it, but does not dare to hope for anything...
Text: Fanny Jönsson
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