Climate change

The world's largest iceberg is drifting towards an island where it risks disturbing penguin chicks and seals, a scientist warns....
Text: TT/Newsagency
Photo: CPL Tom Cann Raf/Crown Copyright 2024 AP/TT
More chaotic weather conditions are ahead. Last year, heatwaves caused the world's rivers to reach their lowest levels in 33 years, while other parts of...
Text: Gustav Sjöholm/TT
Photo: Edmar Barros/AP/TT
Graphics: Anders Humlebo/TT
An unexplained hum puzzled seismologists around the world - who joined forces to solve the mystery. Climate change was the triggering factor, according to the...
Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT
Photo: Søren Rysgaard/Danish military, Pontus Lundahl/TT
Rising sea levels are a looming disaster that risks hitting Pacific island nations particularly hard. This is the message from UN Secretary-General António Guterres at...
Text: TT/Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Charlotte Graham-McLay/AP/TT
A small Pacific island nation has pushed for the world's highest court to rule on states' climate change obligations. It is described as an important...
Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT
Photo: Nick Perry/AP/TT
Warmer seawater combined with acidification could pose a major threat to ocean sharks. Their eggs develop much more poorly, leading to the death of the...
Text: Roland Johansson/TT
Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT, Noémie Coulon/TT
Every year we're seeing more and more turtle stranding partially because of an increase in awareness but also because there are more extreme weather events,...
Reportage: Jason Boswell
Photo/editing: Jason Boswell
Foto: Two Oceans Aquarium: mass stranding, Devin Trull / Two Oceans Aquarium
They have been blown up in nuclear tests and poisoned when people fished with cyanide. However, the absolute biggest threat to the future of coral...
Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT
Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT, Jim Maragos/AP/TT, Andrew Ibarra/NOAA/TT, David Wood/TT, Adam Ihse/TT
Graphics: Anders Humlebo/TT
More than half of the world's mangrove forests are at risk of collapse - which would have major consequences for both people and the climate,...
Text: Hanna Odelfors/TT/News Agency
Photo: Alex Brandon/AP/TT
Scientists warn that the significant coral bleaching, which the American weather agency NOAA warned about earlier this year, has spread to several places on earth....
Text: TT/news Agency
Photo: C. Jones/AP/TT
An increasing number of journalists and media outlets covering climate change are subjected to various forms of physical, verbal threats, harassment, and attacks. This is...
Text: TT/News agency
Photo: Marcelo Chello/AP/TT
When we talk about climate change, it is usually about warming the atmosphere and changing weather systems, but the oceans are also affected and perhaps...
Text: Lena Scherman
2023 marked the warmest year on record with unprecedented climatic extremes from sea level rise to shrinking glaciers. Discover a ray of hope amidst these...
Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT
Photo: Natacha Pisarenko/AP/TT, Matthias Schrader
The aggressive bull shark has increased sharply in a coastal area in the United States. Scientists link it to rising water temperatures – and predict...
Text: Hanna Odelfors/TT
Foto: Keith A. Ellenbogen/AP/TT
Fish behavior, toxic algae, and the role of the sea in climate. These are some of the topics that marine research can address. Diverse subjects,...
Text: Lina mattsson
Foto: Hans Berggren, Kimmo Hagman, Johan Candert, Simon Stanford
Our planet relies on the oceans as climate regulators. At the same time, the effects of our emissions are most evident in the oceans. Today,...
Text: Lina Mattsson
Photo: Kimmo Hagman, Johan Candert, Tobias Dahlin, Simon Stanford
Ringed seal pups become homeless as the Baltic Sea's ice shrinks. Now it is being tested to build caves out of plastic and plywood to...
Text: Hanna Odelfors/TT
Photo: Danny Gren, Yrkeshögskolan i Åbo, Johanna Hanno
Graphics: Anna-Lena Lindqvist/TT
Hundreds of guillemots have been found dead along the west coast. A harsher climate and overfishing seem to be the cause of the birds starving...
Text: TT/Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Roland Johansson/TT
When the polar bears are forced to spend more time on land than on the ice, the risk of them starving to death increases, a...
Text: Lena Scherman
Photo: Simon Stanford/Deep Sea Reporter
Grönland tappar närmare 30 miljoner ton is – varje timme. Enligt forskarna bakom en ny studie kan det innebära att Grönlands istäcke har nått en...
Text: Paulina Sörlin/TT
Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT
Awareness of the sea's importance to the planet has penetrated the finest salons. The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos brings together some of the...
Text: Peter Löfgren
Photo: Johan Candert
Mie's research focuses on the evolutionary and behavioral ecology of marine zooplankton. Despite their microscopic size and remote habitat, Mie aims to enhance our understanding...
Reportage: Simon Stanford
Photo: Simon Stanford, Göran Ehlmé
Editing: Alexandre Gobatti Ramos
Citizens of the tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, which is at risk of sinking under the sea, will be granted "special rights" to live...
Text: TT/Nyhetsbyrån
Photo: Alastair Grant /AP/TT
Many of the world's coastal cities are not at all prepared to cope with changing weather conditions. This is stated by an international research group...
text: Petra Hedbom/TT
Photo: Jason Lee/AP/TT
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