The walruses are coming!

15 July, 2022

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Most people associate walruses with the Arctic Ocean and eternal ice. So when the young walrus Freya was seen in a port on Smögen in March, many people opened their eyes. During the summer, Freya continued her tour to southern Norway where she has become a kind of mascot in the media. At the same time, it was reported that a large adult female walrus was seen on a beach at Helsingborg, but that she is now located on a beach in Lithuania. Two huge males have also been put near Stavanger and in Hammerfest on the northern tip of Norway. How unique is this? And why have the animals left the ice and made their way here to warm strokes?

In this video report, walrus expert and biologist Lars Öivind Knutsen tries to sort out the issues.

Reportage: Lars-Öivind Knutsen
Photo: Göran Ehlmé, Per Ole Halvorsen, Steinar Sannes, Lars-Öivind Knutsen, Marko T Wramén
Editor: Apollonia Meleouni

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