No tourists – no guillemots

03 June, 2021

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When society was put on pause during the pandemic, many people’s opinion was that nature and wildlife would now have a chance to recover. But for the herring pigs on Stora Karlsö, it was the other way around – they missed the tourists. Why was 2020 the worst year for the guillemots so far? We went to Stora Karlsö to meet researcher Jonas Hentati Sundberg, who in his, now world-renowned research, shows that the connection between humans and animals is more complex than previously understood.

Do you want to see the herring pigs hatch in real time on Stora Karlsö? Then follow the researchers and WWF’s live stream here.

Reporter: Fanny Jönsson
Photo: Leif Eiranson
Photo: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Jonas Hentati Sundberg
Editor: Daniel Hedström
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Text: Fanny Jönsson

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