Plastic Rubbish can “Sound” Like Food for Deep-Diving Whales Deep-diving whales use echolocation in the darkness of the deep sea to hunt, but when the sea is full of plastic, this ability can kill... Text: Lena Scherman Climate and Environment plastic rubbishplastics in the seasperm whalesdeep-diving whales
5:04 A River of Plastic We explore the plastic pollution crisis in the Philippines, focusing on the widespread use of disposable plastic sachets. These sachets are difficult to recycle and... Reporter: Per Liljas Climate and Environment plastic rubbishthe philippinesPlastic in the oceanmanilla
Plastic debris threatens marine wildlife: “Terrifying” By 2050, marine plastic pollution could quadruple, impacting over 2,000 marine species, warns a comprehensive WWF report on the crisis.... Text: Sofia Eriksson/TT Photo: Martin Mejia/AP/TT, Caleb Jones/AP/TT, WWF/TT Climate and Environment wwfplastic rubbish